Miss Cameroon USA 2015 Ms. Vinielle Achankeng Acha-Morfaw is competing for Miss Africa USA and needs your support.
She takes over the crown from Miss Cameroon USA 2014 Nora Ndemazia
The 21 year old Vinielle is currently attending Towson University School of Nursing. Her career ambition is to become a surgical nurse and eventually pursue a PhD in Nursing
Why do you want to be the next Miss Africa USA? I want to be the next Miss Africa USA because I am ready to change lives in Africa and spread awareness about cancer. I enjoy being a role model and leader to kids and adults.
What is Your Humanitarian Platform? My platform is cancer awareness in Cameroon and the USA. Losing many family members to cancer had a strong impact on me and pushed me to make a difference in the community. I make it my mission to educate and make people more aware of cancer. In Cameroon, many people have never seen doctors or are able to afford healthcare. As the official spokesperson for the Patcha Foundation Inc, founded by my family to fight cancer and raise awareness, it is my goal to empower the community at home and abroad by providing the knowledge, tools, networks, and resources to help reduce deaths caused by cancer.
Let's get voting on the link below (Every 12 hours)
It's Wednesday...Enjoy the rest of the week.
Wow she is hot 😊